Schedule of Services
Schedule of Services Shabbat Services: Contact for details. TRADITIONAL. INSPIRATIONAL. MEANINGFUL.
Schedule of Services Shabbat Services: Contact for details. TRADITIONAL. INSPIRATIONAL. MEANINGFUL.
You can sponsor a Kiddush to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, graduation, yahrzeit, or any significant event. If you prefer, it is also possible to co-sponsor a Kiddush. We also welcome contributions to the General Kiddush Fund. Please call with any questions and to reserve your kiddush date. The week’s sponsor(s) has the opportunity to speak…
Meaningful, melodic prayers highlighted by insightful thoughts to guide and inspire you throughout the service – all in a warm, welcoming environment.No affiliation, membership or tickets necessary, Reservation appreciated. Monday, Sept 6Rosh Hashana Eve Candle Lighting: 7:13PM Community Rosh Hashana Dinner* 7:45PM* Shabbat, Sept 7Rosh Hashana Day 1 Shacharit Morning Services 10:30AM Kiddush & L’Chaim…
June 8 – 10, 2019 Saturday , June 8 Shavuot Eve Candle Lighting after: 9:17pm Shavuot Meal 9:15pm Tikun Leil Shavuot 11:00pm Sunday, June 9 Shavuot Day 1 Holiday Services 10:30am Reading of 10 Commandments 12:00pm Shavuot Celebration 12:30pm Candle lighitng after 9:18pm Monday, June 10 Shavuot Day 2 Holiday Services 10:00am Yizkor 11:30am Holiday…
Shavuot Celebration Sunday, June 9 | 12pmEnjoy a scrumptious dairy feast featuring lasagna, salads, cheesecakes, ice cream & more! Relive the Sinai experience with the Reading of the 10 Commandments, commemorating the Giving of The Torah 3,331 years ago. Free of charge! Sponsorship appreciated. To RSVP or to donate Click Here